跨文化 & 社会正义

跨文化 and 社会正义 Studies 小

The minor in 跨文化 and 社会正义 Studies lets you study and critically engage with important issues affecting people in our contemporary, culturally and 社会多样化的世界. By taking this minor, you engage with themes such as: 

  • Ethnicity, race, culture, gender, and ability as cultural categories
  • Issues of social justice and equality in local and global contexts
  • Past and present experiences of minorities and underrepresented groups in the US and 世界各地
  • Cultural and intellectual contributions of different socio-cultural groups toward their respective societies in fields such as social, political, and philosophical thought, science, literature, and the performing arts. 

You can combine the minor in 跨文化 and 社会正义 Studies with any major at MCLA, such as 工商管理, Sociology, or 教育. 修辅修课程 lets you acquire knowledge relating to cultural diversity and social justice issues, and develop skills in intercultural communication. This enables you to become a successful and responsible citizen in the increasingly interconnected world of the 21st century.